Imagine standing barefooted in front of a roaring waterfall surrounded by lush meadows, the damp grass tickling your feet, the deliciously cold air stinging your face as you raise your hands towards the sky and proclaim the greatness of your Lord. #Prayer

~ Just another Muslim girl trying to make a difference. Background was made by my lovely sister. ~

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Significance Behind My Blog Name

Well, let's just say I'm very original and so copying my tumblr blog name and using it for this one just seemed quite appropriate. XD

Actually, I've always loved big furry cats - my dream as a kid (and it still is my dream) is to keep a baby cheetah as a pet, raise it and then ride it cheetah-back across the fields of Africa (and probably get arrested for animal abuse in the process :p)

But then why a tiger in particular, you may ask? I guess it's because I've always identified with Tigger from Winnie The Pooh who happens to be a tiger. Also: as a kid if I were to compare myself to any animal it would be a tiger because I'd be very easy to anger and you would certainly not want to be at the receiving end of my anger, hence "The Tiger Roars".

That being said: the Tiger Roars sounded rather epic to my ears and so I decided to reuse it instead of having to come up with another epic sounding blog name. XD 

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